Friday, March 30, 2007

Conservatives strength is in rural canada

In the last federal election the tories won the majority of seats in rural Canada however they came up short in urban areas. Canadians have softened somewhat to Steven Harper with recently announced initiatives to tackle global warming and tax breaks for families with children which could lead to gains in urban Canada in the next election. He is also enabling Quebecers to feel more comfortable with their place in Canada. Here in Prince Edward Island the capital gains exemption for fishermen and farmers of $750,000 should be a winner. While these type of conservative intiatives will appeal to a greater cross-section of Canadians it remains to be seen if the liberals can break out of their centralist shell and make the in-roads that are desperately needed in rural parts of the country. Though the seats of power and influence are mainly located in urban centers the importance of rural voters cannot be overlooked since the majority of seats are still rural based.

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